Some of you are probably wondering what the photo is all about. Well... last Saturday we went to a garlic festival in Easton. We went with our friends April and Katherine and had such a great time tasting produce from local farmers. We stank so bad! We were encouraged to eat, drink & stink! The man in the picture with us was a vendor there who was selling these solar powered cooking stations. He was very sweet to take a quick photo with us.
Another thing you might be wondering about our blog is our "thank you" section. We have decided that it would be more special to honor one person a week by thanking them on our blog. We want everyone to know that you shouldn't be offended if your name wasn't first or if you haven't seen your name yet. Our list of thank yous is a mile long! Our list does NOT go in order of importance. We hope that everyone understands how appreciative we are of all the help we received during Kyle's recovery!
Another thing you might be wondering about our blog is our "thank you" section. We have decided that it would be more special to honor one person a week by thanking them on our blog. We want everyone to know that you shouldn't be offended if your name wasn't first or if you haven't seen your name yet. Our list of thank yous is a mile long! Our list does NOT go in order of importance. We hope that everyone understands how appreciative we are of all the help we received during Kyle's recovery!
Whooooooooooooo Hoooooooooooo!
You finally did it!!!
Very nice, although "Mr. Garlic" caught me off gaurd. ;)
Love it.
Casting Crowns song makes me think of you guys everytime I hear it.
I need a copy of the profile picture! It's lovely.
Let the stalking begin!
i love the thank you area... very good idea! suggestion: if you have it, you should also put up a picture of the person you are thanking - like employee of the month! You know I get a little obsessed with this stuff. lol! But so far it is wonderful! I love it. And 2 minutes ago i sent out my official resignation as Update Commissioner and past the torch to you. i am a little sad not gonna a lie. oh and did you notice the awesome stationary... for my love kyle. I LOVE YOU GUYS! xoxoxoxo
PS... add some pic from garlic fest - there are some good ones! :) then i can steal them.
Hello Kyle and Britt!!!
I love the idea that the both of you will be updating all of us. April did a great job of it over the past year. Glad to read and see that both are you are doing will. Keeping you both in my thoughts and prayers. Hope to see you soon.
Cole to Britt!!! :)
Wow, good job you two! The profile picture is terrific - I'll take a copy also! This will be a great way for people to keep up with your progress whenever they want!
Love you! This is history in the making - my first time adding a comment on a blog!
ummm why is your holiday card image up already? now it wont be as much of a surprise?
Kyle and Britt,
It is wonderful to hear you are doing fine and the update. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. We love the photo of you.
friends of your M grandparents.
Chick and Ginny Garber
What a great picture! The website is great! So good to hear how the Lord has worked in your lives this past year! We pray for you often. Have a great time at Troy and Megans wedding!!
The Garbers
good to see your leisure activities are picking up and keeping your busy busy busy.
I must say, I thought the guy was a cotton ball.
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